AFC's High Tech 40,000 Sq-ft Facilities
On April 28, 2012, Antennas for Communications (AFC) announced that it has completed its move into new high tech engineering and manufacturing facilities. The facilities, located near the Ocala, Florida airport, increases manufacturing space nearly 4 times to 40,000 Sq-ft. The facilities combine engineering offices, marketing and sales, conference rooms, anechoic test chamber and manufacturing under a common roof. The move includes the property across the street, which is to be used for radome trial assembly and for loading and storage up to 50 international standard ocean containers.
Manufacturing and operations quality control/quality assurance level certified under ISO 9001 : 2008 standards have been upgraded to ISO 9001 : 2015 in February 2017.
ISO 9001 : 2015 Certificate of Conformance 46042 |
Antennas for Communications manufactures satellite and terrestrial antennas, radomes, microwave and waveguide components and Tallguide ®, an ultra low transmission loss waveguide. The company serves the satellite, broadcast, communications, cable, radar, weather and government industry worldwide.
Contact. Sales of Antennas for Communications, (352) 687-4121.
A complete Internet WWW AFC site index may be found in Antennas for Communications (AFC) Home Page Document Summary List. Additional press announcements may be found in the press release section of the site index.
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Antennas for Communications
2499 SW 60th Ave, Ocala, FL 34474
Tel (352) 687-4121 Fax (352) 687-1203 Email sales@afcsat.com
Tallguide is a Registered Trademark of Antennas for Communications
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